Free Online switch 'timing skills' games for kids
The inclusive games for kids below are suitable for individuals who are developing 'switch timing' skills. The games can also be played using a conventional mouse, head pointing systems, touchscreen, spacebar etc. To start the games click on the images below. The switch activated games will open on a new web page. Please wait a few seconds for the games to load. Each 'switch press' is simulating a 'spacebar' which is controlling the game. To setup a 'switch interface' please ensure the switch interface is sending a 'spacebar' click when the switch is pressed.
The games should play in the latests HTML5 browser - Chrome Browser, Internet Explorer 9 or older versions of explorer with Chrome Frame Extension. Versions of the iPad games are coming soon. When the games open the switch user has immediate control!
Base Ball space wars switch game.
This is a great game to motivate 'switch users' - it requires 'pressing the switch at a particular moment.' This game will help students learn switch 'timing' skills. This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or spacebar.
'Farting' space wars switch game.
WARNING - Toilet Humour game for 'switch users' - it requires 'pressing the switch at a particular moment.' This game will help students learn switch 'timing' skills. This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or spacebar.
Moving Ship Baseball Switch Timing Game.
Space wars game for 'switch users' - it requires 'pressing the switch at a particular moment' to strike the stationary targets and the moving targets. This game will help students learn switch 'timing' skills. This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or spacebar.
20 Enemies Baseball Switch Timing Game.
Space game for all kids! It requires 'pressing the switch at a particular moment' to strike the stationary targets and the moving targets. This game will help students learn switch 'timing' skills. This game can also be played using a mouse, touchscreen or spacebar.